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ETFOMM Joins TSIS-CORSIM: Advancing Traffic Simulation with Enhanced Capabilities

Gustavo Zschaber2025-03-13T14:54:00+00:00March 10, 2025|
Gustavo Zschaber

ETFOMM (Enhanced Transportation Flow Open-Source Microscopic Model) Simulation Engine (ESE) is now integrated into TSIS-CORSIM. Developed under an FHWA-funded project (Publication No. FHWA-HRT-17-028), ESE enhances the capabilities of the traditional CORSIM model by introducing advanced modeling features.

ESE builds upon 40 years of FHWA traffic simulation algorithms and flow theories in supporting research. It leverages cutting-edge computing technologies, including a native 64-bit stand-alone application, explicit parallel computing, and multi-processor functionality.

Among ETFOMM’s numerous enhancements, the new “add roundabout” feature simplifies the integration of roundabouts into microsimulation networks. The following video provides a detailed demonstration of how to create a roundabout within your network.

ESE also enables users to create up to nine lanes per direction, including up to five turning pockets. To configure this, simply navigate to the surface link settings and adjust the number and length of the turning pockets as needed.

Knowing which engine to select while running TSIS-CORSIM is important, so we decided to help our users by providing the following guideline.

Type of Network Engine Description
Roundabout EFTOMM ETFOMM introduces the new ‘Add Roundabout’ feature, allowing users to quickly input exit turning percentages in TSIS through a simple, streamlined process. This feature is also available in CORSIM, though it requires an additional step to complete the design.
Road Geometry Design EFTOMM ETFOMM provides users with flexibility in designing road geometry, allowing up to five turn pockets per side of each roadway segment, as well as adjustable turn pocket lengths.
Toll Plazas / HOT lanes CORSIM CORSIM models toll pricing features, enabling users to assess the impact of toll plazas and potential congestion resulting from these configurations.
Parking Simulation CORSIM CORSIM includes a detailed curb parking feature to assess the impact of parking maneuvers within the simulation.
Car following model EFTOMM ETFOMM incorporates a variety of car-following models within its engine, enabling it to replicate diverse driver behavior effectively.
Traffic Assignment with OD Data CORSIM CORSIM offers the flexibility to use either turning movement assignments or a built-in traffic assignment tool based on OD matrices.

Want to learn more about this new feature in TSIS-CORSIM 2025? Join the discussion in our LinkedIn user group.

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